Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Checking out some other places

Magical Forest of Apollonia

I really like the stylized flowers, and the colourful but restful environment they have made. On the downside, there isn't really much to do. I ballroom danced and got an orange soda. I might come back for a romantic afternoon with someone else.

Winter Wonderland Lalinda

I like that there are a couple of fun things to do for free, like snowboarding and iceskating, but I particularly liked walking underwater, it was like scubadiving in an icecave (not that I really know what that's like :). Its funny that the things that I find most enjoyable are not the proscribed activities. I couldn't find any actual runs, and in some areas I didnt seem to be able to fly, which was annoying (but this could have been that I dont have a good grip on the controls yet). I'd go back to explore it some more and do some iceskating, there's something fun about the animation.

Chase Island

This is basically a shop, this dude Chase has made lots of items, such as exercise equipment, foodmaking equipment, really nice fantasy fountains. He was hanging around chatting to people about his wares, which gave it a personal touch, like a real salesman. Even though it seems a bit ridiculous to exercise and feed a virtual character, I enjoyed a little spin on the exercise bike and got some fairy floss (or cotton candy as the Americans insist on calling it). I'd go back to chat to Chase about how he made some of his items.

Gotham City

For a place that purports to be a faithful recreation of Gotham City, I thought it was pretty lame. Some bits of the environment were cool, but it didn't really all fit together into a cohesive whole. Also, it seemed pretty deserted, which is never fun in a city. Basically, I thought they could have had more fun with the concept and made some really imaginative environments. But they didn't. I'd go back to see if there was more that I missed (I think there might have been), and to see if I could find some dudes roleplaying their batman characters, as described in the Rules (that was another thing I didn't like, there was a whole heaps of rules to read at the start, like you are not allowed to be in character in certain areas if you weren't part of the Special Guild Of Nerdery or whatever.

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